Friday, January 15, 2010

Political Litmus Tests on ER Workers?

With the latest poll reporting Republican State Senator Scott Brown ahead of Democrat Attorney General Martha Coakley in the race to succeed the late US Senator Edward Kennedy, one statement drawing tremendous scrutiny is the one made by Ms. Coakley in reference to conscience clause protections.

Listen to the audio here.

Is this misstatement the death knell for the Coakley Candidacy or can President Obama's scheduled appearance on Sunday rally the Deomcratic base and bring her victory? More interestingly, will Catholics play any kind of a meaningful role in this election? Finally, will the Brown Campaign get out the vote?


  1. This election is not only important to the people of the State of Massachusetts, but this whole country. It's going to send out a clear message that the voters are sick and tired of our representative's lack of concern for their constituents wishes. We're tired of all the spending, bailouts,take-overs, back room deals, and their constant insistence of having this failed flawed Socialist health care shoved down our throats. True health care reform starts with Tort reform. There are over 2000 pages in that bill and there is nothing in that bill that includes Tort reform. Being able to purchase health insurance across state lines would cut costs in health care by having the insurance companies compete for your business. These are only two examples that could cut costs in health care. There are more. We need true health care reform, not a total remake of our present health care system which is the best in the world. The government can't even manage the postal service or the DMV. How can they manage the health care? It goes without saying that as a Catholic, I don't want my money going to fund abortions! By the same token, I don't want a Euro Socialist health care system in this country. The U.K. health care system is the third largest employer in the world. Talk about big government waste, what's that tell you? Once you get a health care system like that in place, you're stuck with it for life. Think about it! Voting for Scott Brown is the next best thing to joining a Tea Party. I urge everyone, especially Catholics to get out and vote for Scott Brown. This isn't a Democrat/Republican issue. It's about having checks and balances in Congress.

  2. Good foresight on the bishops part--they were concerned about the conscience clause back in March!

  3. Both campaigns will have enormous get out the vote efforts. It is David (Brown) vs Goliath (Coakley) in MA because of the Dem machine. But there will be another non organization in this race: the people - individuals who are energized to vote not because of a group but because of their beliefs. Isn't it noteworthy that what could be a historic change in politics is taking place in MA once again? If I were a resident of MA I would dress up as a colonist to go to the polls.

  4. Coakkey is resorting to ultra-negative campaigning which indicates her organization knows she is behind, well behind. This form of campaigning at this stage of the game is looking for a knock out punch. It is not going to happen. I think Brown will win by more than three percent. But right now, the Democrats in Washington are not concerned about their many constituncies wishes, just getting their agenda passed. The Democrats in 2008 bet the farm and their parties future on Barrack Obama. They are close to losing it all and the Brown campaign is part of the start to the demise of their party.

    Danny L. McDaniel
